Quelle est la meilleure alternative à la barre de son ?
Une barre de son offre une solution compacte, simple à installer, idéale pour les petits espaces. Cependant, sa taille limite considérablement sa capacité à offrir un très bon rendu.

Répéteur Wifi vs CPL : Lequel choisir ?
Vous aviez TOUT prévu : le meilleur opérateur, l'installation de la fibre et pourtant... votre connexion internet reste instable. Rassurez-vous, ce n'est pas de la malchance, votre réseau a juste b...

Comment bien entretenir ses vinyles ?
Les vinyles sont très sensibles et nécessitent un entretien méticuleux pour préserver leur état. Dans cet article, nous proposons ce guide détaillé qui vous aidera à prendre soin de vos précieux al...

Quel amplificateur choisir pour ses enceintes ?
Tentons ici de vous apporter quelques conseils à suivre pour vous aiguiller dans le choix d’un amplificateur qu’il s’agisse d’un nouvel achat ou d’un remplacement.

Qu’est-ce qu’un lecteur réseau ?
Vous avez déjà entendu parler de lecteur réseau ou de streamer audio ? Sans comprendre réellement comment fonctionne cet appareil. Cet article vous explique l’intérêt d’utiliser un lecteur réseau d...

Davis Acoustics Hera 250 + Octavio Amp Pack Review
The Octavio Amp amplifier will also allow you to use the Davis Acoustics HERA 250 in all the uses for which they excel: listening from streaming services, listening to vinyl, but also in home cine...

What is digital amplification (class D)?
Class D amplification, also known as digital amplification, has become the most widely used technology today. But how does it work and why has it become so widespread?

Have you ever been living your life peacefully, starting your week as usual, going to work, coming home and BAM! Your computer dies for no apparent reason?

How to broadcast streaming services and web radios in Hi-Res on Devialet speakers?
If you want to stream web radios or streaming services such as Qobuz, Tidal or Deezer on your Devialet speakers, in Hi-Res, Octavio Stream is the solution.

This Stick features Android TV which allows you to use all compatible applications in the Play Store.

A concentrate of technology, the Apple TV comes in the form of an ultra-compact box measuring 9.3 cm on each side and only 31 mm thick, accompanied by a smart remote control.

AirPlay audio from an Apple TV
Broadcast AirPlay 2 to your audio system from an Apple TV is very easy to implement. In this article, we explain how to do it. How does it work? On your Apple TV, go to settings: Video and...

Burn-in is a practice that aims to optimize speaker performance and maximize their capacity, but the question of its necessity is divisive.

Appearing on certain high-end models in the 70s, passive speakers (also called radiators) used a clever process of recovering the rear bass wave of the main speaker.

Using Hi-Fi speakers with your TV
If you have a pair of quality speakers, it may be time to imagine a mixed solution which will allow you to benefit from TV sound in full quality while having the possibility of listening to your...

How to stream music to several people on the same speaker?
Jam thus offers the possibility of creating a single playlist and listening to it together in real time. Participants in a session can add songs to a common playlist that they can access.

Try Octavio products at home before buying
When you order an Octavio product, you have the option to select the "Pay in 30 days" payment method. This payment method allows you to receive your order without paying a single euro.

Revive your B&O Ouverture stereo system
If you want to take your Beosound Ouverture system to a new dimension, combining it with an Octavio Stream is a more than interesting option.

When you want to enjoy a quality sound experience, it is essential to take into account the acoustics of your listening room and the placement of your speakers. A high-performance Hi-Fi system can ...

How to use Octavio Stream with the Prodige A-absolument speaker?
Switching your Prodige A-absolutely to Wi-Fi configuration is a more than interesting option if you want to go further in terms of audio quality.

A preamplifier is an electronic device used to adjust and correct the signal sent by the source to which it is attached. We often speak of a "phono preamp" for vinyl turntables.

Mono or Stereo? The differences and advantages.
Stereo listening has become a standard in music and audio in general. It involves using two distinct channels to create a more realistic listening experience.

Why add a subwoofer to your installation?
What is a subwoofer? A subwoofer is an audio device belonging to the speaker family. Dedicated to low frequencies (i.e. frequencies below 100Hz), it is made up, like speakers, of a loudspeaker an...

Why store music files on a NAS?
There are many benefits to using a NAS. In particular, the possibility of distributing your files without internet access.