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LogicielComment diffuser depuis YouTube avec Google Cast sur Octavio Stream G2 ?

Comment diffuser depuis YouTube avec Google Cast sur Octavio Stream G2 ?

On vous explique comment diffuser depuis Youtube avec Google Cast !

LogicielDiffusion de musique stockée sur un ordinateur

Why use Serviio?

You want to build a quality audio library and be able to freely enjoy it on your audio systems, then the Serviio / Octavio combo is an excellent, reliable solution that will provide the best pos...

LogicielLes différents formats de fichier audio

The different audio file formats

The evolution of technology has transformed the way we consume music. Many audio file formats have emerged, but it is not always easy to understand their differences.

LogicielEnceintes Bluetooth ou Wi-Fi ?

Bluetooth or Wi-Fi speakers?

The two most popular technologies are Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, but what are the differences? Is there a technology to favor? We explain everything to you in this article.

LogicielInterface Web Roon

Why use Roon?

American competitor of Audirvana, Roon is an audio playback and library management software. The particularity of the Roon software is that it allows both management of your files stored locally on...

LogicielPlateforme de streaming Qobuz sur l'application Octavio Virtuose

Why use Qobuz with Octavio products?

Qobuz is a French music streaming service, the first to offer high-resolution audio, specifically aimed at audiophiles looking for high-quality sound.

LogicielTout savoir sur Tidal Connect

Everything you need to know about Tidal Connect

Inspired by the Spotify platform which had launched the same functionality a few years earlier, Tidal Connect allows you to control multimedia devices (connected audio products among others) direc...

LogicielTransférer sa musique entre différents services de streaming

Transfer your music between different streaming services

What do you do when you have accumulated thousands of titles over the years and want to change platforms? We'll explaine everything here.

LogicielTout savoir sur Spotify Connect

Everything you need to know about Spotify Connect

With the ability to control music across different devices seamlessly and the flexibility offered, Spotify Connect is the must-have option for music lovers.

LogicielAir Play 2 : Comment ça fonctionne ? Image d'un Mac et d'un service de streaming musical

AirPlay 2: How does it work?

AirPlay 2 is Apple's proprietary streaming protocol. In addition to being very easy to use, what are its advantages and how does it work?

LogicielPourquoi utiliser Audirvana ?

Why use Audirvana?

Audirvana is a high-quality audio player that has been designed to provide an optimal listening experience for audiophiles. Here's why to use it.