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AutreLe colis réutilisable débarque chez Octavio ! ♻️

The reusable package arrives at Octavio! ♻️

At Octavio we are fully aware of the efforts we must make to best preserve the environment. We had already thought about improving the repairability of our products so that they could last over ...

MatérielArticle sur l'obsolescence programmée, moniteur CRT éteint

What is planned obsolescence?

Have you ever been living your life peacefully, starting your week as usual, going to work, coming home and BAM! Your computer dies for no apparent reason?

Salle d'attente Cozy, canapés confortables, musique relaxante

Soundproofing a waiting room or reception area? Follow the guide 👇

We have all had at least one unpleasant experience in a waiting room; the silence, the endless wait, the crowds... One of the solutions you could consider would be to add sound to this space to e...

MatérielDiffuser services de streaming sur des enceintes Devialet

How to broadcast streaming services and web radios in Hi-Res on Devialet speakers?

If you want to stream web radios or streaming services such as Qobuz, Tidal or Deezer on your Devialet speakers, in Hi-Res, Octavio Stream is the solution.

DécoMaison et Objet revient en septembre !

The Maison & Objet trade fair is back in September!

M&O, the unmissable event The Maison & Objet trade show is back in September for its second edition of the year! Founded in 1995, Maison & Objet is one of the most renowned and antic...

DécoArchitecte d'intérieur, décoration, design d'intérieur

How to stand out from the competition as an interior designer?

Offering new services as an interior designer is a real sales argument. It allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition but also to reach a greater number of potential clients.

DécoQuelles seront les tendances déco de cette fin d’année 2024 ?

What will be the decor trends for the end of 2024?

This article is dedicated to the new interior decoration trends for the end of 2024. This eclectic selection may surprise you!

StreamingFonctionnalités méconnues de Spotify

5 Little-Known Features of Spotify

Spotify is more than just a music streaming platform. In addition to its vast library of tracks, this app is full of little-known features that you might find useful.

StreamingStreaming audio en Wi-Fi

Why Ban Bluetooth Streaming

Today, Bluetooth speakers are present in the vast majority of homes. However, Wi-Fi offers many advantages that can help improve your listening experience.

MatérielPourquoi utiliser une Nvidia Shield TV ?

Why use an Nvidia Shield TV?

This Stick features Android TV which allows you to use all compatible applications in the Play Store.

MaestroTuto : Utiliser un EQ avec Octavio Maestro

Tutorial: Using an EQ with Octavio Maestro

In this article, we explain how to activate and use an EQ with our Octavio Maestro connected speakers .

MatérielPourquoi utiliser une Apple TV ?

Why use an Apple TV?

A concentrate of technology, the Apple TV comes in the form of an ultra-compact box measuring 9.3 cm on each side and only 31 mm thick, accompanied by a smart remote control.

MatérielDiffuser le son en AirPlay depuis une Apple TV

AirPlay audio from an Apple TV

Broadcast AirPlay 2 to your audio system from an Apple TV is very easy to implement. In this article, we explain how to do it. How does it work? On your Apple TV, go to settings: Video and...

MatérielPourquoi roder ses enceintes ?

Why break in your speakers?

Burn-in is a practice that aims to optimize speaker performance and maximize their capacity, but the question of its necessity is divisive.

MatérielQu’est-ce qu’un haut-parleur passif ?

What is a passive speaker?

Appearing on certain high-end models in the 70s, passive speakers (also called radiators) used a clever process of recovering the rear bass wave of the main speaker.

MatérielUtiliser des enceintes Hi-Fi avec sa TV

Using Hi-Fi speakers with your TV

If you have a pair of quality speakers, it may be time to imagine a mixed solution which will allow you to benefit from TV sound in full quality while having the possibility of listening to your...

TestComparatif enceintes Sonus Faber, Focal et Davis Acoustics

Comparison of Sonus Faber, Focal and Davis Acoustics speakers

Each time we tested several speakers within the same range (a bookshelf model and a column model), always associated with our Octavio Amp amplifier with its most powerful power supply (2x100W).

MatérielComment diffuser de la musique à plusieurs sur la même enceinte ?

How to stream music to several people on the same speaker?

Jam thus offers the possibility of creating a single playlist and listening to it together in real time. Participants in a session can add songs to a common playlist that they can access.

LogicielDiffusion de musique stockée sur un ordinateur

Why use Serviio?

You want to build a quality audio library and be able to freely enjoy it on your audio systems, then the Serviio / Octavio combo is an excellent, reliable solution that will provide the best pos...

TestOctavio Amp et les enceintes Focal sur un meuble TV

Test: Chorus Focal speakers with Octavio Amp

The association of an amplifier with a pair of speakers is a crucial point of any Hi-Fi installation; poor coupling between the amplifier and the speakers can degrade the listening experience. As ...

AutreEssayez les produits Octavio chez vous avant d’acheter

Try Octavio products at home before buying

When you order an Octavio product, you have the option to select the "Pay in 30 days" payment method. This payment method allows you to receive your order without paying a single euro.

TestOctavio Amp et Sonus Faber Lumina 1

Review : Lumina Sonus Faber speakers with Octavio Amp

Is the combination of Lumina Sonus Faber speakers and Octavio Amp right for you? Find our impressions in this complete test.

MatérielFaire revivre son système stéréo B&O Ouverture

Revive your B&O Ouverture stereo system

If you want to take your Beosound Ouverture system to a new dimension, combining it with an Octavio Stream is a more than interesting option.

TestKrypton 3 x Octavio Amp

Krypton Davis Acoustics and Octavio Amp speaker review

Is the combination of Krypton Davis Acoustics speakers and Octavio Amp consistent? Find our impressions in this complete test.