The product benefits from significant modifications. We detail everything in this article:
100% electronics European
100% electronics European was always a desire of Octavio. We did it.
This choice of entirely European production allows us to rigorously control each stage of manufacturing, while supporting the economy and reducing our carbon footprint.
Even better audio quality
Already awarded a Diapason d'Or in its first version, the Octavio Stream G2 goes even further. Its DAC remains faithful to the original, but we have optimized its internal architecture for an even more faithful and precise sound reproduction.
Improved finishes
The overall finishes of the product have been carefully improved to offer an impeccable product. The materials have been carefully selected to combine elegance and durability, while retaining its initial charm.
Appearance of an On/Off button
Following your feedback, we have optimized the standby system. You will now benefit from a physical On/Off button directly on the device, an automatic standby system and a manual standby from the application.
Redesigned packaging
The packaging has been completely redesigned to offer an even more pleasant customer experience upon opening. Not only is it more elegant and refined, but it has also been designed to better protect the product while reducing the environmental impact.
The packaging uses sustainable and recyclable materials, reflecting our commitment to eco-responsibility.