New generation of product, new application, new experience. From now on, Octavio Virtuose G2 will be dedicated solely to managing your product.
Octavio Virtuose G2 will now be exclusively dedicated to the management of your product, offering a simplified and optimized interface for the management of your device.
Thanks to this specialization, the application becomes a real dashboard to control your audio equipment, from initial configuration to updates.
Your music will be streamed directly through official streaming apps, while still benefiting from additional features such as Google Cast or AirPlay.
This change provides greater flexibility and a simplified user experience, allowing you to control your favorite tracks from the platforms you already use.
No need to go through intermediary applications: the connection is fluid, fast and integrates perfectly with your existing audio ecosystem.
The app will still play your music locally or stored on your NAS.
Many guides and tips
Octavio Virtuose G2 now includes an extensive library of guides and tips to support you at every stage of using your audio equipment.
These resources are designed to provide you with clear, detailed answers, whether it's configuring your system, optimizing its performance, or troubleshooting any issues you may have.
With a simple and accessible interface, you can quickly find the guide or tip that meets your needs.
Pre-order your Octavio Stream G2 now.
Don’t miss the opportunity to be among the first to discover this new generation of Octavio Stream. Pre-orders are open: make sure to reserve yours now and enjoy exceptional sound, designed for you!
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